
Festival ABC


The CHECK IN SV SINBRONN is located outside the festival site at the football field in Sinbronn, opposite the petrol station. All accreditations, guest lists and passes for bands, traders, members of staff, etc. have to be picked up from here. Those persons accompanying our disabled friends will also receive their free ticket there upon presentation of the handicapped ID of the person they are accompanying.

Google Maps shows the exact location if you search for “SV SINBRONN”.
Please note that VIPs also have to purchase a parking ticket.

Opening hours of VIP CHECK IN (accreditation / VIPs):
Tuesday until Thursday: 08:00 – 22:00
Friday until Saturday: 10:00 – 22:00

Opening hours CREW Check-In and opening hours DEALER Check-In will follow or will be communicated directly by e-mail.

More info at



We are always striving to improve the service for our festival visitors with disabilities and to make the festival as pleasant and above all barrier-free as possible for them!

Severely disabled visitors with a B (need for constant accompaniment), H (helplessness) or BL (blindness) in their ID will receive a free ticket for an accompanying person at the Check In SV Sinbronn. It is important that the disabled visitor has a valid admission ticket and the corresponding severely disabled person’s ID with one of the above-mentioned marks.

Visitors with a wheelchair and a severely disabled pass will receive a free ticket for an accompanying person, even if the corresponding markings are not noted on the pass.

We can provide a platform including a disabled toilet for wheelchair users in front of the stages. Visitors with a doctor’s certificate stating that they need a seat will also be allowed on the platform if there is capacity. Wheelchair users always have the priority right to a seat.

There are 30 toilets suitable for people with disabilities on the festival ground.

Please feel free to contact our Infopoint at any time with any questions you may have on the plaza.
In case of emergencies we recommend our general emergency number 07366/920 000.

Please write to us at if you have any questions about the regulations. Together we will find a solution.

For cool storage of special medications, the Medical Center on the premises is at your disposal.

Additional service for wheelchair users
In case of a damaged wheelchair (broken tires, insufficient air, minor repairs, etc.)
the wheelchair service Feix is at your disposal from 09:00 – 13:00.
In urgent emergencies: 015209914402


Reservations must be made in advance for Handicapped Camping.

We offer a camping add-on for visitors with disabilities and wheelchair users. Here we can offer visitors electricity (e.g. for ventilators, e-rollis etc.) and short distances. In addition to handicapped accessible toilets, there will also be a handicapped accessible shower in the immediate vicinity. Recommended occupancy: 3-4 persons on the 50 square meter plot. Payment is per plot, not per person.

Location: The campsite is located close to the infield and the party area.

In case of separate arrival, please make sure that all members of your group have their booking confirmation with them. This will ensure that you have access to the corresponding handicapped camping plot.

More information about the Camping Add-On Accessible Camping is available directly in our store: Please click here!

All information about arrival/departure with public transport can be found HERE.


More info at