
This article is over a year old. Its contents may or may not still apply. You can find current news under News .

From 04.04.2024, 16:00, camping areas for groups can be booked in our store.

All those who had booked a reserved area at SUMMER BREEZE 2023 and left it clean: You will be informed about your early reservation start by mail. Keep your eyes peeled in mid-March for your 2023 email addresses used for booking!

The SUMMER BREEZE can still be attended on all four festival days, Wednesday (14.08.) to Saturday (17.08.) without additional bookings. Camping is included in the ticket price. Additional camping options (i.e. our add-ons) such as the reservation of camping areas, caravan camping, comfort camping and handicapped camping as well as power packs, lockers and beer trays can be booked additionally in our store. (Limited availability!)

For SUMMER BREEZE, a separate parking ticket must be purchased per vehicle and per trailer. We also have to charge a logistics fee for early arriving Tuesday campers. Further information on an improved arrival concept 2024 will follow soon.
