For GREEN CAMPING / GREEN AREA a FESTIVAL TICKET and a registration for the GREEN CAMPING is required.
The same rules apply in the BLUE AREA as in Green Camping.
The BULLI CAMPING for campers up to 3.5 tons is also located in this area.
As is known from the rules in the past years, a peaceful, considerate and ecological behaviour is paramount in this camping area, so there’s a special set of rules for GREEN CAMPING:
– Strict observance of the nighttime peace from 1:00am to 7:00am
– Prohibition of aggregates and other sources of noise (car hifi use only at a moderate volume)
– Strict waste separation and disposal
– Self dependent cleaning of the used camping grounds
– Consideration with camping neighbours
– Sensible use of water supplies in showers and toilets
At GREEN CAMPING we depend on your active help.
Only registered people will have access to GREEN CAMP. Access is not granted without a valid pass, meaning it is not possible to invite people from the “regular” campsite into the GREEN CAMP area.
There will be a special entrance to this separate, closed off area.
– Special closed off camping area
– There is no limit on the number of cars, but obviously not everyone should be arriving in their own (ecobalance!)
– A separate parking ticket must be purchased on site for each car.
– Besides the camping reservation, a separate parking ticket must be purchased in advance on site with an extra charge.
– It is possible to keep camping space free for people arriving later
– Strict observance of the nighttime peace from 1:00am to 7:00am
– Prohibition of aggregates and other sources of noise (instruments etc., car hifi use only at a moderate volume)
– Strict waste separation and disposal: the GREEN CAMPING ground must be free of waste at all times, and the collected waste must be separated for recycling
– Self dependent cleaning of the used camping grounds
– Consideration with camping neighbours
– Sensible use of water supplies in showers and toilets
– GREEN CAMPING relies and depends on the responsibility of the people who make use of it. We hope for some intra-group control. If anyone acts flagrantly against the GREEN CAMPING philosophy they lose the right of access and have to camp on the regular campsite. In case of gross misconduct, we reserve the right to expel the person in question from the festival altogether!
– There will be an appropriate number of portable toilets and urinals in the GREEN CAMPING area for use free of charge. There will be paid showers right next to the GREEN CAMPING area.
– Only tents and gazebos with no added elements are allowed.
– Big furniture elements such as armchairs, sofas, beds and refrigerators are not allowed.
– GREEN CAMP users agree to take their whole tents and camping equipment with them on the day of their departure and to dispose of their whole waste separately (recycling-ready) at the GREEN CAMPING waste disposal station.